[advocacy] SSSCA and Open Source Movement (Was Open/Free/Personal music licenses)

Bacchus Thirteen bacchus_t
Thu Nov 22 02:51:02 PST 2001

--- Daniel James <daniel at mondodesigno.com> wrote:

> If SSSCA passes, will the Ogg Vorbis developers add
> proprietary
> rights management systems to the format? Will they
> leave the USA, or
> become outlaws like Sklyarov has?

No way.  SSSCA will demolish all the open-source
community.  This is why, I think, open source
shouldn't involve only programmers and users but also
musicians and their fans.  It is high time for
open-source to wipe out the image of 'Geek Only' and
have more socially-accepted status considering its
contribution to us.  Vorbis is a good opportunity to
let the wider public notice the importance of the
open-source movement.

We cannot help programmers developing programs
directly but at least we can help them by supporting
the open-source movement if not financially but at
least 'politically' for example, using the net.
...Yes, for this purpose, I have to admit that we need
propaganda or more public-oriented communication
(Copyrighted by George Bush) rather than
individual-oriented discussions based on more 'open'
information.  In my personal opinion, mailing list
rather suits the latter while the former suits the web
pages such as Daniel's article.

I just began to use Linux and Vorbis is getting to be
completed.  I do not want to lose both of them.  So,
this is from my self-interest.

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