[advocacy] Open/Free/Personal music licenses

Bacchus Thirteen bacchus_t at yahoo.com
Wed Nov 14 03:16:47 PST 2001

--- Daniel James <daniel at mondodesigno.com> wrote:
> The content industry has turned it into a
> with-us-or-against-us 
> battle. If you don't restrict the use of your
> player/encoder/format 
> on their terms, you are their enemy.

I am afraid to say that this you-or-me thing rather
likely limits our freedom.  I know that media and
software contents industry are putting money on that
SSSCA thing, which, I think, is completely absurd.  To
some extent, Daniel is right.  However, what I want is
variety of choices.  When programmers or artists are
happy with their deal, we cannot do but buy their
product as long as they are not releasing their works
under open license.  However, if I think they are
worth paying, I will pay.  And yet, at the same time,
I want freedom of enjoying music on the net and with
the portables as long as the musicians show the
agreement.  They do not have to release all of their
music under open license but, if they do on some of
their music, we can, partially though, enjoy the
freedom of sharing favourite music with the others
while respecting the producers' freedom.

Open source and license movement arose from
programmers but I want to import it to media content
world as well for my own self-interest.  After Adam
Smith, this self-interest tends to be used only for
making money but it is not only making money that we
can enjoy.  I hope this open source and license
movement gives some of the joy of doing what we want
to do than of selling and buying back to this
consumerist world.  It should be simple, shouldn't it?

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